a5c7b9f00b Gambler Jake Green enters into a game with potentially deadly consequences.
Jake Green is a hotshot gambler, long on audacity and short on common sense. He's rarely allowed to play in any casino because he is a winner. Jake has taken in so much money over the years, he is the only client of his accountant and older brother Billy. One night, Jake, Billy and their other brother Joe are invited to sit in on a private game, where Jake is expected to lose to Dorothy Macha, a crime boss and local casino owner who can't play for squat, but always wins because people are too scared to beat him. Jake isn't afraid of Macha, and not only beats Dorothy in a quick game of chance, but takes every possible opportunity to insult the man. Jake and his brothers leave the game, and Macha puts out the order for a hit on Jake, who ends up working for and being protected by a pair of brothers, Avi and Zack, who are out to take Macha down.
Sam Gold is never seen in this movie, and that is because he doesn't exist. Except in the collective sub-conscious of all the players in the game. I love this movie because it really makes you think and it has a very existential type of sentiment to it. The main character goes through endless games inside his head where sometimes he thinks he is the player in the game, and sometimes he thinks he is the controller of the game. I think the title is aptly chosen being that it's a constant revolution of emotions and perspectives going on in the game-player's mind. As in real life, we are constantly doing the same thing, playing all these games, these roles that we truly believe are real, yet sometimes questioning whether any of it is really real, and whether even you the player even exists. Most people will not get this movie and they probably expect something more cockney form the director. Great performances all around, and the ending is perfect.
It is unfortunate that people slated this movie , more than the people I can't believe that the so called 'critics' panned this. The thing about that is that Guy Ritche is forever being mentioned with the likes of Snatch and Lock, Stock . Don't get me wrong I love both of theses Brit flicks but however the test of a director comes when he manages to step out of the box and look to give us something new and that's what Guy Ritche set out to do and I have felt that he was unjustly treated for this. From the very beginning when the quotes are read , you automatically now that Revolver is different and that is no secret during the movie! Although it has all of Ritche's trademarks but there is definitely a different feel to which to be honest with you made me look at the movie from a different angel. I would advise anybody how is going to check this movie out to listen very carefully to what is being said - if you don't it is very easy to get lost as I occasionally had an odd slip up here and there. Having said that there is enough action to keep one satisfied , there were top rate performances both Lioatta who was hilarious and Statham as well as Andre Benjamin who carried him-self well. The only down side about Revolver is that it might just be a little to heavy in places which might cause a concentration lapse. To conclude Revolver is not a typical leave your brain at the door gangster flick, this movie shows Guy Ritchie stretching his artistic wings wanting to give us something different and I for one enjoyed this flick. This movie is not your average typical gangster flick as it requires one to think out-side the box and analyse whats on display carefully as in this movie there is form following function , I am a little disappointed that no one actually bothered to look into this as me and a select few have , however there is a big incentive to return to it.<br/><br/>REVOLVER : 8.6 OUT OF 10<br/><br/>'The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent' - Jake Green
It's no return to rock, this, but rather Ritchie's soporific, proggy-conceptual Film of Ideas, with Vivaldi interludes, fussbudget set design, recurrent references to chess, and a hit man inexplicably got up as Tati's Mr. Hulot.
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Updated: Dec 8, 2020